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Trials Frontier receives a new island in its latest update
Redlynx’s free-to-play iPhone interpretation of its Trials franchise, Trials Frontier, has just been given a huge update that adds an extra track-filled island to the game. This new landmass is named Reaper’s Finger and is not for the faint of heart. Designed for fans of the game who have been demanding more challenge, the six tracks contained on it are intended to test all of your skills. Another huge addition to the game is control customisation. The already responsive interface now allows you to reposition its four control buttons anywhere around the screen. This should let experts carve an extra few seconds off their time or - if you’re anything like us - help you g…

Trials Frontier Review
Trials Frontier wastes no time getting you into the action. There’s no title screen as you load the app - instead, the game begins with an onscreen prompt showing you how to start your engine. Before we'd even seen the title card, we were scudding along the 2.5D path towards an explosive finale. The game's first three tracks lay out all the controls. Your right thumb controls acceleration, while your left thumb manipulates your rider’s center of gravity, letting you j…
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