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Minecraft - Pocket Edition receives infinite worlds in 0.9.0 update

News By Alex Beech, 10 years, 7 months ago
Minecraft - Pocket Edition receives infinite worlds in 0.9.0 update

There is something quite poetic about the way Minecraft - Pocket Edition has you incrementally building a world, while Mojang incrementally bolts on extras to the game around you. However, now it seems that the company has pulled out all the stops with the massive 0.9.0 update, bringing the mobile game's feature set far closer to its PC and console cousins. The most exciting of these changes is that Minecraft - Pocket Edition now features infinite worlds. If you're counting, that's a lot of worlds. Its not just hills and plains for as far as the eye can see either, because 0.9.0 brings a vast range of new environmental features. These include caves, mine-shafts, lakes, and villages f…

Trials Frontier receives a new island in its latest update

News By Alex Beech, 10 years, 7 months ago
Trials Frontier receives a new island in its latest update

Redlynx’s free-to-play iPhone interpretation of its Trials franchise, Trials Frontier, has just been given a huge update that adds an extra track-filled island to the game. This new landmass is named Reaper’s Finger and is not for the faint of heart. Designed for fans of the game who have been demanding more challenge, the six tracks contained on it are intended to test all of your skills. Another huge addition to the game is control customisation. The already responsive interface now allows you to reposition its four control buttons anywhere around the screen. This should let experts carve an extra few seconds off their time or - if you’re anything like us - help you g…

OTTTD just got even more OTT with new endless mode and enemies

News By Alex Beech, 10 years, 7 months ago
OTTTD just got even more OTT with new endless mode and enemies

The wonderfully fast-paced mix of RTS and tower defence that is OTTTD just got even more bombastic with a brand new update. OTTTD was never short on challenge, but this update bolsters the toughness with a new endless mode. Containing five missions, this mode has you holding back unending swarms of walking eyeballs and floating sharks in an attempt to make your mark on the leaderboards. If five endless missions weren’t enough, the campaign has also had an overhaul. Another five missions have been added here also, along with 20 new enemy types to test your mettle. To help you in your ongoing war, Herocorp has sent in additional supplies. A tactical field guide offers you a com…

Plague Inc. to receive Dawn of the Planet of the Apes update

News By Alex Beech, 10 years, 7 months ago
Plague Inc. to receive Dawn of the Planet of the Apes update

Ndemic Creations superb viral outbreak simulator Plague Inc. is about to receive another update, this time featuring content from Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. The simian flu featured in the movie kills humans, while also making apes smarter. This disease adds a new layer to the plague-spreading gameplay, because - on top of trying to keep the virus one step ahead of a cure - you will also be able to actively sabotage mankind's efforts to stop it by guiding your new primate pals. Communicating with your superior-simian friends as they spread the disease, you can guide them to smash research labs or keep them safe from detection while you try to crown them the new rulers of the pla…

The Angry Birds are going to South Hamerica in the latest Seasons update

News By Alex Beech, 10 years, 7 months ago
The Angry Birds are going to South Hamerica in the latest Seasons update

Those Angry Birds are at it again, this time with another huge update to Angry Birds Seasons. This latest embiggening of the aggressive avian’s adventures sends the flock to South Hamerica to take on 24 new levels. These new missions have you firing your birds over mountains to try and stop the evil piggies from stealing treasure. The mountain range - probably called the Hamdes - is filled with ancient statues, relics, and rope bridges for you to smash your way through as you attempt to bring down the savage swine by solving the game’s physics-based puzzles. The 24 standard levels are accompanied by three bonus stages, providing you are skilled enough to unlock them. Angry…

Hitman GO update sends Agent 47 to the airport in new chapter

News By Alex Beech, 10 years, 7 months ago
Hitman GO update sends Agent 47 to the airport in new chapter

Square Enix Montreal’s fantastic Hitman GO has just received an additional chapter in its latest update. The Airport chapter adds a whole new set of missions to the this turn-based take on the Hitman franchise. As with previous chapters, the Airport is broken up into a number of diorama-like stages that have you moving past various security measures en route to your unfortunate mark. This setting brings with it a host of challenges to overcome. These include moving walkways that rapidly move you through extended locations, and high alert guards that can monitor two paths at once. IN addition to these new obstacles, Agent 47 now has an additional trick in his arsenal: patience…

Huge Disco Zoo update lets you catch animals in space

News By Alex Beech, 10 years, 7 months ago
Huge Disco Zoo update lets you catch animals in space

Disco Zoo’s latest update has brought a host of new features to NimbleBit’s casual puzzler. The biggest change comes in the form of two new environments, city and space, which add twelve new animal types for you to hunt down for your exhibits. The city setting works much like previous ones, letting you trade coins to engage in the game’s Battleship-like expeditions to capture animals. Space, however, can only be explored by spending a new in-game currency: the imaginatively titled Space Coins. These can only be earned by capturing specific animals to order from other habitats, or through in-app purchases. The update also adds ways to jazz up your enclosures using eithe…

Plants vs Zombies 2 gets medieval with the first Dark Ages update

News By Alex Beech, 10 years, 7 months ago
Plants vs Zombies 2 gets medieval with the first Dark Ages update

PopCap is sending Plants vs Zombies 2 back to days of yore with its new Dark Ages Part 1 update. These new levels take place at night. With no sun to help your plants grow you are forced rely on shine-creating flora like the Sun-shroom, the Puff-shroom (which costs nothing to grow), and a host of other new night loving plants. Gravestones have also been added to levels. These creepy monoliths can be smashed to give sunshine or plant food bonuses. Don't get too excited about your beefed up abourial arsenal, however, because the zombies have also had their numbers bolstered. An undead peasant zombie has taken its place among the shambling masses, while the medieval Gargantuar’s hul…

Assassin's Creed Pirates gets a new mission with the Freedom update

News By Alex Beech, 10 years, 7 months ago
Assassin's Creed Pirates gets a new mission with the Freedom update

Ubisoft has added yet more content to Assassin's Creed Pirates, this time with the Freedom update. The update brings with it a wealth of riches, but the biggest haul is a new chapter appendix. This additional mission has you destroying the jail fortress in La Isla de la Juventud in order to free slaves and unlock an exclusive bonus. An improved daily reward system also lets you gain increasingly valuable treasures for repeat visits to the game. Random booty has been scattered throughout the Caribbean seas, too, while syncing your account with your Facebook profile will earn you a special gift. The new features don’t end there, with the update offering you more freedom in how you c…

Canabalt receives widescreen support and new runners

News By Alex Beech, 10 years, 7 months ago
Canabalt receives widescreen support and new runners

With appeal seemingly as endless as its roof-hopping gameplay, Canabalt, the game that started our love of endless-runners, is has been dragged into line with the latest iPhone generation. This update finally adds widescreen support for iPhone 5 and above. While in many games a wider aspect ratio doesn't bring a huge amount, in a title that requires you to react to upcoming obstacles it make a huge difference. We are already noticing our average run times creeping up, and it's been months since we last played. Three additional runners have also been thrown into the mix. These characters are not selectable, seeming to spawn randomly at the start of your run. Unfortunately, so far we…

Feudal RTS Autumn Dynasty Warlords receives massive Insurrection update

News By Alex Beech, 10 years, 8 months ago
Feudal RTS Autumn Dynasty Warlords receives massive Insurrection update

Touch Dimensions has just given its wonderful RTS Autumn Dynasty Warlords a substantial free update. Titled Insurrection, the update adds a huge amount of content. If you were absorbed by the game’s feudal storyline, the new 'Against All Odds' scenario offers you the perfect excuse to jump back into the campaign.  On the other hand, if it was the RTS battles that kept you enthralled, then the random scenario generator will provide more scuffles to keep you amused. As well as the additional scenarios, Insurrection also brings a number of tweaks to the already fine tuned RTS combat. Most interesting of these is the ability to pause during battle to issue commands…

Angry Birds Star Wars II gets 40 new levels in Rise of the Clones update

News By Alex Beech, 10 years, 8 months ago
Angry Birds Star Wars II gets 40 new levels in Rise of the Clones update

Force-filled fowl flinger Angry Birds Star Wars II has just gained 40 new levels with the Rise of the Clones update.. The first 20 levels of this additional chapter follow the Pork Side, letting you take control of the Republic’s Clone Army as they dual with the Jedi on Kamino. This water logged world brings with it fast flowing currents that the piggies must overcome to defeat their force wielding foes. The other 20 stages take you to Coruscant, where the Sith assumed control of the galaxy’s capitol. Here you must turn to the Bird Side, and use the Force to fight back the green porkers and reclaim the cityl. On this high-rise city-planet, powerful air turbines…

Tackle Le Mans in the latest Real Racing 3 update

News By Alex Beech, 10 years, 8 months ago
Tackle Le Mans in the latest Real Racing 3 update

Real Racing 3 now lets you tackle the ultimate test of motor racing endurance in its latest Le Mans update. Giving you access to the track made famous by the 24 hours prototype race, this new mode throws up plenty of challenges for you to conquer on the road to becoming the Le Mans champion. Of course, while Le Mans is famous for its 24 hour endurance race, the game won’t expect your battery to last for a full day. Instead, you can challenge next generation prototypes like the Audi R18 e-tron Quattro and Toyota's TS040 Hybrid in shorter races which let you cruise around the circuit as the sun goes down. On the social side, four players can now compete together split-screen using b…

World Cup teams and kits come to FIFA 14 in latest update

News By Alex Beech, 10 years, 8 months ago
World Cup teams and kits come to FIFA 14 in latest update

With World Cup fever sweeping the globe, EA has decided to bring the biggest football tournament around to FIFA 14 on iPhone and iPad. The new update will let you take control of your favourite World Cup contenders in their officially licensed national kits. If that wasn’t enough, EA has even redesigned the FIFA 14 menu icon, and reskinned the ball to let you take the Adida Brazuca for a kick about. You will also be able to compete in the new Matches of the Week mode. If your FIFA 14 skills are as blunt as the AppSpy team's, however, that will just mean losing spectacularly with more people watching. Both the update and the game are free, so anyone itching for…