Home » Apps with tag 'Genre Busters'

Genre Busters: Racquet Balls - live on Twitch (5pm UK | 9am Pacific | 12 noon Eastern)

Feature By Danny Russell, 10 years, 7 months ago
Genre Busters: Racquet Balls - live on Twitch (5pm UK | 9am Pacific | 12 noon Eastern)

How are you doing on this fine summer's day? Knee-deep in sport you say? Not sure which match to watch? Well, while we can't help you there, we can certainly help you stay stuck in your game of choice through any downtime. That is, if you join us for this week's episode of Genre Busters! Whether you prefer the quiet murmurings and sudden yelps of tennis or the cheering crowd and powerful punts of football, we'll be playing your summer sound over on Twitch shortly. Doubles partners James and Peter will serving our beloved Twitch audience the best football and tennis games over on our Twitch channel from 5pm UK / 9am Pacific / 12 noon Eastern. We need you there to decide which title will t…

Genre Busters: Console Calamities - live on Twitch (5pm UK | 9am Pacific | 12 noon Eastern)

Feature By Danny Russell, 10 years, 8 months ago
Genre Busters: Console Calamities - live on Twitch (5pm UK | 9am Pacific | 12 noon Eastern)

Over here at AppSpy we like to start the week just like all the other whippersnappers our age. Lists, and plenty of 'em! And boy, do we have a list show on our Twitch channel for you today. Genre Busters: Console Calamities will be exploring the grimey underbelly of misled publishers and developers who sold their soul for a quick buck - trashy titles with the names of beloved console properties emblazoned across them. Whether they're riddled with IAP jiggery-pokery, flawed controls, and / or just downright dreadful intrusive ads, we're going to name and shame them. We want to know which you've been most disgusted by. If you have played any of these games, there's a good chance you will ne…

Genre Busters: Hackers - live on Twitch (5pm UK | 9am Pacific | 12 noon Eastern)

Feature By Danny Russell, 10 years, 8 months ago
Genre Busters: Hackers - live on Twitch (5pm UK | 9am Pacific | 12 noon Eastern)

The spies are back with another Genre Busters! This time, to celebrate the recent release of Watch_Dogs and its companion app, ctOS Mobile, we've selected some of our favourite iOS games that feature hacking. Haven't seen the ctOS Mobile in action yet? Catch our show from the tsart for a glimpse into how it works! Or have you been playing around with it already? Come along and let us know what you think! Undoubtedly you'll see a few games you know well, plus a couple that may have slipped you by. Did we miss any? Tune in and tell us! We need your help to decide which is the best, so please tune in to our Twitch channel at 5pm UK / 9am Pacific / 12 noon Eastern time to catch the show fom t…

Genre Busters: Our Top 4 Tower Defence Games (Twitch catch-up)

Feature By Danny Russell, 10 years, 8 months ago
Genre Busters: Our Top 4 Tower Defence Games (Twitch catch-up)

As part of our regular programming over on our Twitch channel, every Monday we look at some of the best games that we feel define a specific genre in Genre Busters. This week on Genre Busters we cherry-picked four terrific tower defence games: Anomaly 2, Fieldrunners 2, Kingdom Rush Frontiers, and Plants vs. Zombies. After playing each game for 15 minutes, James and Alex asked our Twitch audience to choose which they thought was the shining example of its kind. Tune in below or over on our YouTube channel to find out which game won! Would you have chosen differently? What's your tip-top go-to tower defence game for iOS? Let us know by commenting below! The show ended up playing…

Genre Busters: Terrific Tower Defence - live on Twitch (5pm UK | 9am Pacific | 12 noon Eastern)

Feature By Danny Russell, 10 years, 8 months ago
Genre Busters: Terrific Tower Defence - live on Twitch (5pm UK | 9am Pacific | 12 noon Eastern)

Get ready! Our second episode of Genre Busters will be starting over on Twitch in a short while. Today, James and Alex will be covering the perilous world of tower defence games. As incoming foes desperate to reach the end goal attack, the chaps’ll be emptying their arsenal in the hopes of toppling their foes. We’re after veterans of the App Store to come and join us over on Twitch for the show. Regale us with your tales of hard-fought battles that you almost didn’t survive, and tell us which your top tower defence game of all time is. As usual, we’ll end the Genre Busters ceremony with a vote to declare the most terrific tower defence game that’s ever graced…

Genre Busters: Punishing Platformers - live on Twitch (5pm UK | 9am Pacific | 12 noon Eastern)

Feature By Danny Russell, 10 years, 9 months ago
Genre Busters: Punishing Platformers - live on Twitch (5pm UK | 9am Pacific | 12 noon Eastern)

The very first episode of Genre Busters will be coming at you live over on our Twitch channel today! In this series of shows, live every Monday, we'll pick five of the best examples of each genre. Today, we're choosing the most painfully punishing platformers that we've ever laid our grubby mitts on. James will be manning the iPad, so expect him to be holding back the strong expletives as he exhausts all his lives and all his patience. Be sure to cheer (or jeer) him on via the chat window over on Twitch.  Genre Busters will be starting over on Twitch at 5pm UK / 9am Pacific / 12 noon Eastern over on our Twitch channel. Be there. Or y'know... you'll miss it.…