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You Must Build A Boat iPad Review

Review EightyEight Games LTD By Harry Slater, 9 years, 1 month ago
You Must Build A Boat iPad Review

What happens when you need to build a boat? Well obviously you go play an endless runner with a match-three RPG mechanic. Right? It might sound silly, but Harry from Pocket Gamer finds a lot to like in You Must Build A Boat.…

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Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions iPad Review

Review Activision Publishing, Inc. By Mark Brown, 9 years, 2 months ago
Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions iPad Review

Mark blasts the angles off a triangle in trippy shape shooter Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions. But can it hold a candle to the console original?…

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Bad Dinos iPad Review

Review Insomniac Games, Inc. By Mark Brown, 9 years, 2 months ago
Bad Dinos iPad Review

Ratchet and Clank developer Insomniac turns to dinosaur defence, for its latest mobile game. Will this prehistoric strategy game help revitalise a tired old genre?…

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Til Morning's Light iPad Review

Review AMZN Mobile LLC By Harry Slater, 9 years, 2 months ago
Til Morning's Light iPad Review

You're all alone in a haunted mansion, with just a meat cleaver and a magical phone to keep you company. What do you do? WHAT DO YOU DO!?! Well if you're Harry from Pocket Gamer, and you're playing Til Morning's Light, you bimble around having quite a nice time and thinking about what might have been.…

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Sword Of Xolan iPad Review

Review ALPER SARIKAYA By Harry Slater, 9 years, 2 months ago
Sword Of Xolan iPad Review

Who doesn't like running around chunky pixelled retro environments, slashing up monsters with a big sword or burning them alive with flaming blasts of magic? Monsters, that's who. Harry from Pocket Gamer takes Sword of Xolan for a spin, and he likes what he sees. And kills.…

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Heroes and Castles 2 iPad Review

Review Foursaken Media By Mark Brown, 9 years, 2 months ago
Heroes and Castles 2 iPad Review

Mark tries to juggle strategy with slaughter in muddled hybrid Heroes and Castles 2, and ends up being murdered by a skeleton. Sigh - Fridays, eh?!…

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Spacecom iPad Review

Review 11 bit studios s.a. By Mark Brown, 9 years, 2 months ago
Spacecom iPad Review

It's a game about flat geometric shapes fighting for dominance over other flat geometric shapes. But does this space strategy game, published by 11it Studios, have more... *puts on sunglasses*... depth? Mark finds out.…

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Forgotten Memories : Alternate Realities Review

Review Psychose Interactive Inc. By James Gilmour, 9 years, 3 months ago
Forgotten Memories : Alternate Realities Review

Forgotten Memories aim to return to the classic survival horror systems of the '90s. Resident Evil's ribbon save system? Check. Spooky Silent Hill-style mannequins? Double-check. Question is, does this admittedly gorgeous iOS effort deliver the spooky goods, or is it just another fart in the dark? Check out our video review to discover the answer.…

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Halo: Spartan Strike iPad Review

Review Microsoft Corporation By Harry Slater, 9 years, 3 months ago
Halo: Spartan Strike iPad Review

What happens when Halo comes to iOS? Halo: Spartan Strike is what happens. But is the top-down twin-stick shooter worthy of Master Chief's legacy? Harry from Pocket Gamer grabs a battle rifle and finds that yes, yes it is.…

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Lost Within iPad Review

Review AMZN Mobile LLC By Harry Slater, 9 years, 3 months ago
Lost Within iPad Review

What happens when Pocket Gamer's Harry Slater wanders into an insane asylum with nothing but his wits to protect him? Mild ambivalence and weird backpack monsters if Lost Within is anything to go by. Watch the video to find out whether that's a good thing. …

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Implosion - Never Lose Hope iPad Review

Implosion - Never Lose Hope iPad Review

Implosion - Never Lose Hope sees you stomping through a ravaged earth slicing up monsters in a super-powered mech suit. What's better than that? According to Harry from Pocket Gamer, not much at all.…

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Tiny Dangerous Dungeons iPad Review

Review Jussi Simpanen By Harry Slater, 9 years, 3 months ago
Tiny Dangerous Dungeons iPad Review

Tiny Dangerous Dungeons is a retro-looking platformer with a mean streak and a serious sense of charm. But is that enough to make you download it. Harry from Pocket Gamer puts on his old-school shoes and slips into the past to find out.…

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Dungeon Hunter 5 iPad Review

Review Gameloft By Harry Slater, 9 years, 3 months ago
Dungeon Hunter 5 iPad Review

Do you want to mash things in the face with a big sword? Do you like not really having to think about anything ever? Then Dungeon Hunter 5 could well be the game for you. And in this video Harry from Pocket Gamer takes you on a review-y tour of the perfectly adequate hack-and-slasher.…

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Jump'N'Shoot Attack iPad Review

Review FreakZone By Harry Slater, 9 years, 3 months ago
Jump'N'Shoot Attack iPad Review

Harry from Pocket Gamer straps on a jet pack and shoots some angry mutants in this retro-tastic two-touch blast from the past. But are rose tinted spectacles enough to get him through? Yeah, probably.…

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Stormblades iPad Review

Review Kiloo By Harry Slater, 9 years, 4 months ago
Stormblades iPad Review

Stormblades takes the Infinity Blade template, shakes it up a bit, adds some sort of auto-running sections, and wraps everything up in a free to play model. But is that enough? In this video James uses his voice to tell you that Harry from Pocket Gamer thinks it just about is.…

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