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Armed and Gorgeous HD Review

Review Digital Worlds By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 5 months ago
Armed and Gorgeous HD Review

I have to confess that I'm not above a bit of fan-service, though at times it can make me feel like a creepy stalker and usually at these times I put the game away. However, when games like Bayonetta are packaged together with a fun and brutal beat'em-up, I can usually look past such hyper-sexualization as I concentrate on dodging and countering incoming attacks. Armed and Gorgeous HD by Digital Worlds works as a miniaturized version of Bayonetta's formula, putting you in the shoes (o…

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Gold Keeper Review

Review Digital Worlds By Damian Chiappara, 14 years, 11 months ago
Gold Keeper Review

Gold Keeper is an action survival game where players control a large red demon and defend your gold supply from the thieving villagers and attacking knights. The game’s goal is to survive as long as you can, while protecting your gold supply. If you are killed or all your gold is stolen, then you lose. You control your demon’s movement by using a control stick in the bottom left hand corner and attack by tapping a button in the bottom right corner. Players can also collect…

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