Home » Beeline Interactive, Inc.

Glo Flo Review
It seems that Beeline Interactive is on a role and their latest title Glo Flo follows hot on the heels of the recent side-scrolling shooter Who's That Flying?!. In this colorful puzzler by developer GameTantra Digital you'll need to match bugs by drawing connections on a grid, however while the idea is sound it's hard to stay focused as the challenge quickly plateaus. Those familiar with similar puzzle titles like Pathpix will pick up the gameplay in a snap, though there's not too muc…
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Who’s That Flying?! Review
Perhaps I'm a glutton for punishment or maybe there's something bizarrely attractive about its simple, clean presentation, but Who's That Flying?! by Mediatonic and Beeline Interactive is proving harder to put down than I first expected. Considering its difficulty level you'd naturally assume that time would only dull the experience, giving you more reasons to not load it up, but with each attempt you'll manage to claw your way to victory as Earth's super-powered defender. Being a sup…
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Mr. Bill Review
Oh no! I can't believe that I never heard of this popular Saturday Night Sketch until recently and now my woeful lack of familiarity of 70-80's late-night sketch show trivia has let me down. Never mind, I'm sure I'll pick things up as I go as Mr.Bill from Capcom puts this pop culture creation in to his very own game. And in typical fashion things aren't looking so good for Mr.Bill and his family as they try to deal with the poor job climate by taking up Sluggo's offer of working at a…
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Dark Void Zero Review
Claimed to be a 20 year old 'lost' title from Capcom's back catalog, Dark Void Zero is a lovingly created 8-bit tie-in for the recent release of Dark Void on major consoles. From its artwork to the controls and tinny soundtrack, Dark Void Zero is full of what made platformers such strong titles 'back in the day'. In keeping with the NES-style theme, Zero uses a virtual d-pad to move and two buttons for jumping and firing. These controls work well to provide 'revolutionary' 8-way firin…
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Mega Man® II Review
This is a difficult review to write. Mega Man II is this reviewer's favourite videogame of all time. This 1988 release on the NES has been ported to the iphone with a whole new streamlined experience. Dr. Wily is at again, and it's up to Megaman to stop his nefarious schemes. This iphone port comes with a few options that affect controls and gameplay. The game can be played in portrait or landscape view. Portrait makes the touch joystick and buttons harder to use while landscape featu…
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Who Wants To Be A Millionaire 2010 Review
Based on the popular television show and board game, Who Wants to be a Millionaire offers players a chance in the hot seat to test their knowledge against a database of almost 1000 questions with new questions being added regularly. The gameplay contains the same classic elements as the television show. Players must successfully answer 15 multiple choice questions in a row to win the game and there are three lifelines there to help you; 50/50, phone a friend and ask the audience. The…
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