Home » Apps with tag 'tilt controls'

Unpossible Review
With the endless genre ever expanding, Unpossible feels like a natural next step. Its fast paced twitch 3D gameplay attaches you to a tube floating in space and proceeds to fling you forward along its twisting length. At times, it feels like a first-person Super Hexagon, forcing you to rotate around a circular core to dodge past various neon blue obstacles. Fighting for good positioning around the tube’s circumference is vital as you shot along Unpossible’s courses, as the…
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Into the Dead Review
Oh look, another zombie apocalypse game. What? It's an endless runner as well, that has a store to upgrade your chances of survival and the length of the game? Gee, we haven't seen anything like this before, he said sarcastically. With all this being the case, Into the Dead does something astonishing. It offers a breathtakingly gorgeous engaging gaming experience. Load the game up, and you'll start right near a crashed helicopter. Turning around, there's nothing but fields and the und…
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Freeze! Review
There haven't been too many, but there's something enjoyable about games that stick you in small curved level, and ask you to use the iPhone's tilt controls and the power of physics to get the character you control to safety. Freeze is the latest of these, and it comes to us wrapped in a 50s monster movie shell. It certainly adds an amount of mood and character to the game, but the big question is of course, how does it play? The answer to that questions is. “adequately”.…
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Super Falling Fred Review
Dedalord is back again, this time with a free-to-play update to Falling Fred. The 'super' isn't without its merit either as players get to combine a whole host of new power-ups to survive all-new deadly depths. Oh, and Fred isn't alone this time - he gets to share his pain with a range of new characters too. All you need to do to score it large is to avoid hazards in the vertical shaft Fred and company are falling down - it sounds easy, and thanks to the auto-calibrated tilt controls…
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VS. Racing 2 Review
While other top-down racers are content to keep pushing the visual boundaries of the iOS platform, VS. Racing 2 sticks with the tried-and-true 2D sprite system (albeit with some 3D elements adding depth), and even more surprisingly, controls that require - at most - two fingers. The overall effect is that of the game feeling very tightly designed - it efficiently throws you amongst a variety of AI opponents on winding and twisting tracks where you vie for pole-position to earn as much…
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Nihilumbra Review
Much speculation has been made over just why 'Indie' games manage to remain compelling despite their often formulaic design, but it's their simplicity of concept and focus on execution that keep me coming back for more. Nihilumbra by BEAUTIFUN GAMES is the sort of title you'd foist on to your friends under the guise of wanting to share the emotional roller-coaster ride, but the real thrill doesn't begin until you've completed the game. You play as Born, a creature spawned of the Void,…
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Extreme Skater Review
I guess there comes a point in any skateboarder's life when all the skate parks, half pipes, ramps, and grind rails just don't shine with the challenge of excitement that once was. One lucky skater was in the forest when a crystallized meteor crashed, not only giving him super powers, but converting the landscape into the extreme skate park of his dreams. Welcome to Extreme Skater. Each level is an obstacle course that ends with your skater reaching a chunk of crystal. The game starts…
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Bee Leader Review
Being a bee is not as glamorous as one might imagine. Sure there's the honey and flying around everywhere, but surprisingly a small insect has a lot of enemies that try to impede its progress in the hunt for nectar. Luckily bees can work as a team. You just have to find your little buddies first. Bee Leader is a day in the life of a bee. From sunrise to sunset, you buzz around a spherical world trying to collect all the nectar you can to fill up your hive's quota and get the highest s…
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Shaun the Sheep - Fleece Lightning Review
[This title was the Mini-review for the Friday News Wrap-Up for the 20th of April, 2012] Shaun is back once again, but this time he doesn't have is fellow wooly-friends in-tow. In fact he's going solo, sprinting at top speed to out-run the pigs to win the 'Fleece Lightning' competition. Each of the game's 80 levels will only take a few seconds to complete, but getting to the end isn't easy thanks to a host of hazards, not to mention the pigs themselves. Thankfully the controls are mor…
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Harry the Fairy Review
Nature vs industry has been a very common theme in many stories across many mediums, but somehow it gains even more emphasis when there's no setup, and only through playing the game and witnessing what is going on, does a theme begin to form. Harry the Fairy spends each level flying around a cavern trying to free one of his fairy friends who has been captured. Along the way there are stars to collect, hazards to avoid, and small puzzles to overcome. Harry is controlled completely by t…
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Final Freeway 2R Review
Weren't racing games at the arcades awesome back in the day? They usually had this giant car cabinet that you sat in. There was a steering wheel, and pedals. Sometimes even a gearbox! Sure the physics and the graphics have gotten a lot better over the years, and you can buy these elaborate peripherals for home use, but the experience is more than a little diluted. Still, we appreciate a throwback to simpler times and that's exactly what Final Freeway 2R offers. Let's get the compariso…
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AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! (Force = Mass x Acceleration) Review
Elegance is a word you have to use when you describe a game like 'Aaaa!!! F=ma' by Dejobaan Games and Owlchemy Labs, if only because it takes such a compact and simple concept (falling) and turns it in to something so utterly addictive that you will wonder how you managed to do without playing the game any sooner. Those who have played the original PC and Mac version 'A Reckless Disregard for Gravity' may wonder if the word 'elegant' is entirely appropriate given the game's somewhat ra…
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Midway Arcade Review
Editor's Note: The following is a mini-review from the Friday News Wrap-Up for the 24th of February, 2012. The video above contains footage for the game. I feel a bit bad about cramming such a great title in to the Mini-Review section of this week's Wrap-Up, but aside from going in to nauseating detail about the controls for all the games available in the title, there's not much more to say than: If you're an Arcade junkie, get this collection. For your initial investment you're provi…
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Sploosh Review
Sometimes it's nice to leave the adrenaline pumping, high speed, obstacle avoiding, death defying games for a while and play something with a slower pace. What's more relaxing than the ambient sounds of running water? And what if you had control over that water, tilting your iPhone around to pour it into the seeds of flowers and roots of trees to rehydrate the land? Well that's where Sploosh comes in. It seems sometimes cacti get a little too greedy and suck up all the water, sending f…
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Reckless Racing 2 Review
Strangely it doesn’t feel as though much time has passed since Pixelbite first introduced iOS gamers to their Reckless Racing franchise, though this may be in-part thanks to a mid-year release of Reckless Getaway reminding players of what the developer can pull off. Reckless Racing 2 doesn’t disappoint as it blasts on to the App Store, showing just how top-down racing should look, feel and play on hand-held touchscreen devices. From the outset the game feels rough and toug…
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