Home » Articles and Reviews by 'Dave Flodine'

Combo Crew Trailer

News By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 1 month ago
Combo Crew Trailer

A while back we gave you a first look at The Game Bakers' latest project, Combo Crew. Well some more time has passed, and now we have a trailer to show off to you. A release date for sometime in May has been announced. If anything, it will be interesting to see how a beat 'em up like this works with touch controls.…

Thieving Daddies?

News By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 1 month ago
Thieving Daddies?

Yes! Daddy was a Thief is the latest game by Rebel Twins, makers of Crumble Zone. With a fun setup and keeping the same crunchy sound effects their previous title was known for, this looks like a fun spin on the time waster / endless runner genre. Have a look at the trailer! The game is due out on the 9th of May.…

Appspy Transition Updated!

News By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 1 month ago
Appspy Transition Updated!

Hey hey all! Well a work week has passed since I wrote about Appspy getting all shook up like Elvis. For those of you who were missing the video content, first... shame on you for not making do with my amazing reviews! Now that I've got all the jokes out of my system, let me fill you in on what's going on. Andrew has taken a new position at a new company. We wish him the best, and will miss the work he put into helping make Appspy much bigger than it was when I was editor. In the past week, our parent company Steel Media has found us a new video creator in James, who will be commencing new video content as of next week. I'd like you all to make him feel welcome. So that's pretty much it. I…

Robot Unicorn Attack 2 Review

Review [adult swim] By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 1 month ago
Robot Unicorn Attack 2 Review

It's been a couple years since Adult Swim graced us with Robot Unicorn Attack, a fantastical romp with a unicorn through a fairy tale world, complete with the biggest earworm of a soundtrack to ever grace iOS gaming. Seriously, “Always, I want to be with you”... it's in your head now, isn't it? So what do the creators have in store for a sequel. Well the usual mantra for sequels is more of the same, but bigger and better, and while that is certainly the case here, they've l…

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Monster Meltdown Review

Review Ambient Studios By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 1 month ago
Monster Meltdown Review

For some reason, Yuri is a janitor in a lab that either houses monsters, creates monsters, or creates, and then houses monsters. Through a mishap, the monsters are let out. Now obviously Yuri is in trouble. Not only for his life (as he now has monsters running around), but his bosses are not going to be happy when they find out what he's done. So Yuri does what any of us would do; he puts on his teleporting hazard suit and goes to round up all the rampant monstrosities. Monster Meltdo…

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Solitaire Blitz Review

Review PopCap By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 1 month ago
Solitaire Blitz Review

It's been a while since we've seen something from Popcap Games. Once having a reputation for casual yet fiercely addictive titles, many of which received praise from the mainstream gaming media, the company's output has been kind of sparse and quiet these last few years. Well it seems they're still with us having released Solitaire Blitz, a spin on the Windows gaming classic that emphasises social play and leaderboards. Yes, solitaire as a social game. The irony wasn't lost on us eithe…

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Garden of Fear Review

Garden of Fear Review

Garden of Fear has a warning on its iTunes page. It cautions people who are scared easily from playing this game. Full disclosure, Dave cannot handle scary games. He's fine with horror films, but there's something about controlling the character involved in a horror scenario instead of just watching it that makes things all too real. For this reason, he tends to stay away from horror titles, and either as a cruel joke or just by providence, is given this game to review. You wake up in…

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R.I.P. Rally Review

Review EA Chillingo By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 1 month ago
R.I.P. Rally Review

RIP Rally is an arena combat game where you drive around a rally car with a turret mounted machine gun, ploughing down and shooting waves of zombies, trying to survive for as long as possible while completing missions, collecting coins, and refilling your health and ammo reserves. If that already sounds like a good time, you don't need the rest of this review, but for those of you unconvinced or on the fence, let's explore this freemium title. Essentially the game plays like a twin-st…

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HEAVY - sword Review

Review ashley jackson By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 1 month ago
HEAVY - sword Review

  Heavy Sword is a very classic soft of platformer. As the unlikely hero Pike, you must combat evil hordes in order to rescue the captured princess Lucinda. To aid you as you traipse through level after level is a trusty sword, as well as the ability to bash power-up blocks with your head, and the ability to stomp on top of all your foes. Yes, this game borrows many ideas from the platforming greats. Does this make it a copycat game or does it use these elements to create somethi…

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Star Pigs coming to the App Store this Thursday

News By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 1 month ago
Star Pigs coming to the App Store this Thursday

For those of you who love their competitive card games, Star Pigs not only is one of those... in space, but also plays out the battles in 3D real time. Fans of strategy and card games should check out the trailer, and keep an eye out for its release later on in the week. And for those of you looking for a more in-depth look at the game, here's Part 1 of 3 of a preview explaining the game mechanics. [Star Pigs Website]…

Cut the Rope: Time Travel Review

Review ZeptoLab UK Limited By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 1 month ago
Cut the Rope: Time Travel Review

Cut the Rope is a game that can be mentioned alongside such iOS runaway luminaries as Angry Birds, Temple Run, and Doodle Jump. It's one of those titles that blended simple gameplay mechanics, short levels, a cute character, and a ton of content to create a nexus point of addictive laden success. ZeptoLabs followed up their smash hit with Cut the Rope: Experiments which added a new character in the professor, as well as introducing fun new mechanics like the suction cup. Now in Cut the…

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Appspy Transition

News By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 1 month ago
Appspy Transition

Heya loyal readers. Andrew will probably either add to this article or make his own, but Appspy will be going through a bit of a transition, and whether it's temporary or permenant remains to be seen. You may have noticed that the site has been quiet since about Thursday, and the latest review to just go up has no video to accompany it. Well I will still be updating the site with new written reviews, and any news I can find, but the video content will be absent for the foreseeable future. For those of you just here for our excellent video reviews, we understand, and hopefully they can resume sooner than later. To those that stick around and continue to support us, we give our thanks. Your…

Bottle Cap Blitz Review

Review Big Pixel Studios By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 1 month ago
Bottle Cap Blitz Review

Now usually games like Bottle Cap Blitz can be easy to discount. They're very simple premises (even more simple than when a game here is praised for being simple), they're high score games, and they offer brief gameplay bursts with a small dose of progression to keep people enthralled. There's nothing wrong with this formula. Games like Paper Toss were able to use its simple premise and mechanics to make something fiendishly addictive, and funnily enough Bottle Cap Blitz is in the same…

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App Wrap Up (Week Ending 19th April, 2013)

Wrapup By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 2 months ago
App Wrap Up (Week Ending 19th April, 2013)

Hey hey dear readers, and welcome to the App Wrap Up; your one stop shop for unique iOS game trailers. You'll have to excuse me if i'm a little erratic today. I completed Bioshock Infinite this morning, so my mind is still mulling over what transpired there. Still, here I am with a few trailers of games that might have fallen under the radar for your enjoyment. Let us take a look!   Tower Zoo (MiniWorldGames) Obviously for a younger audience, this competitive match-3 game has charming presentation, and looks like a lot of fun to play, especially against another person.[App Store Link]   First Person Tennis (Michele Laurello) I imagine there's likely a reason that we…

Dark Quest - Like Hero's Quest... but Dark!

News By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 2 months ago
Dark Quest - Like Hero's Quest... but Dark!

Released a couple days ago, Dark Quest looks like another streamlined roguelike for the iOS platform, but this game obviously takes its inspiration from the classic board game Hero's Quest. Filled with lots of exploration, upgrades, and a bit of humour through dialogue, this could be an entertaining experience for those who remember delving into the grided boardgame dungeons of their youth. Check out the debut trailer. [App Store Link]…