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Little Inferno iPad Review

Little Inferno iPad Review

Call me crazy, but I was saving myself for the iPad release of Tomorrow Corporation's 'Little Inferno', as such I can't provide much of a comparison to the console or PC versions. What I can say is that Little Inferno feels as though it was always destined for the iOS platform - it was conceptually _made_ for the IAP heavy, freemium dominant scene that is the App Store. In short, Little Inferno is champion the platform deserves, even if it doesn't need it specifically. The game starts…

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Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition iPad Review

Review Overhaul Games By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 2 months ago
Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition iPad Review

Some of you out there may be old enough to remember purchasing Baldur's Gate when it first hit the PC in 1998. It came with many goodies, not the least of which was a large vertical sleeve to hold the five CDs required to play the game. Later improvements in compression and technology made it less unwieldy, but the original embodied the content held within - an epic tale of adventure based on the 2nd Edition of Advanced Dungeons & Dragons rules. It was bold and it was brutal, but b…

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A Wonderland Story HD iPad Review

Review Josh Presseisen By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 3 months ago
A Wonderland Story HD iPad Review

It's all well-and-good that Alice gets a story about her adventures in Wonderland, but what of the White Rabbit? It's bad enough that he's late for his meeting, but having a bunny obsessed girl chasing after him isn't helping things along either, especially considering the wonky terrain. A Wonderland Story by Forest Moon Games and Alchemy Games has you helping the rabbit along his way by moving the ground so he can keep walking forward, hopefully avoiding its many inhabitants in the pr…

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MechWarrior: Tactical Command iPad Review

Review Personae Studios By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 4 months ago
MechWarrior: Tactical Command iPad Review

The release of MechWarrior: Tactical Command on the iOS platform may seem like a somewhat archaic franchise to resurrect for the modern gamer, but with MechWarrior Tactics pulling in old fans it was going to be now or never. Modeled after the real-time tactical wing of the MechWarrior franchise (MechCommander), Personae Studios manages to capture many of the detailed points from the series, while stumbling over everything else, including the controls, presentation and storyline. Summa…

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Wonderputt iPad Review

Review GameClub By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 5 months ago
Wonderputt iPad Review

What do you get when you combine a funky, vibrant isometric stage with toads, submarines, volcanoes, and Stonehenge? The answer, cryptically, is the world of Wonderputt by Damp Gnat. It's in this world that you'll attempt to slingshot a ball in to a hole, hopefully picking up points along the way, but more importantly hopefully to have fun. Playing the game couldn't be easier as you hold down on the ball and drag away from it, slingshot-style, letting go once you're happy with your ai…

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Splice : Tree of Life iPad Review

Review Cipher Prime Studios By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 5 months ago
Splice : Tree of Life iPad Review

Much like Mother Nature, Splice : Tree of Life is unforgiving in its relentless brutality. You’re popped in to a universe almost without any concept of what you’re meant to do and while you can find some help, it won’t do you any good until you can understand it. Cipher Prime Studios capture this vicious elegance in their cell-splicing puzzler and you’ll need to ponder and experiment to make any headway. First and foremost, Splice is a beautifully presented gam…

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Qwak HD iPad Review

Review Mr Qwak Limited By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 5 months ago
Qwak HD iPad Review

When we first saw Qwak on the iOS platform it was restricted to the tiny screens of the iPhones and iPods of the world. The lightning-sharp responsiveness of the controls helped to bring the Amiga classic back to life, but with so much going on, screen-space was definitely a concern... until now. Qwak HD makes the best of the iPad, making it a snap to keep track of the busy platforming action while also adding a two-player mode in to the proceedings. This last feature is pulled off fl…

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Bastion iPad Review

Review Warner Bros. By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 5 months ago
Bastion iPad Review

Having already found a home on the XBLA and PC, Supergiant Game's stunning title Bastion has leapt (from almost nowhere) on to the App Store and in particular on to the iPad. It's a welcome surprise as it doesn't simply demand players to stick with the control system of the first two releases (though it is still available), opting instead for an intuitive semi-auto fire tap and drag system instead. The only question that remains is, does it still feel like Bastion? For those unfamilia…

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King's Bounty: Legions iPad Review

Review NIVAL, INC. By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 5 months ago
King's Bounty: Legions iPad Review

While it's hard to complain about the price of freemium games, the content is often questionable and reliant on gating players towards its paid-for features, arguably by devious means. There are many exceptions to many rules and King's Bounty: Legions is just such a game. Either playable on the PC through Facebook or via iOS on your iPad, it's a scaled down version of the popular turn-based tactical title that retains the combat and trades resource management for crafting and 'energy'.…

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The World Ends with You: Solo Remix for iPad iPad Review

Review SQUARE ENIX By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 5 months ago
The World Ends with You: Solo Remix for iPad iPad Review

You know a game has a grip on you when you say something like, "I'd have bought a Nintendo DS just to play it". The World Ends With You (TWEWY) was just such a game for me, and knowing that I'd get to play it again on the iOS platform immediately dredged up a host of happy memories spent lazily enjoying its Beat'em-up RPG-like gameplay. The reason I'm gushing from the outset is to establish a base-level of 'rose-tinted glasses' for our readers/viewers and perhaps to soften the blow of…

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Button Brigade iPad Review

Review Axis Sivitz By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 6 months ago
Button Brigade iPad Review

In an action adventure game, coming across buttons to open up doorways and other passages to make your way around the stage is a regular occurrence. But what of these poor buttons? What do they think of their throw-away existence? Button Brigade answers that question, if only as a side note, thanks to a mechanical snake and a whole host of buttons that can manipulate the laboratory you're trapped in. By tapping on the screen you can achieve one of two things, either moving your 'snake…

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Magic 2013 iPad Review

Review Wizards of the Coast By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 7 months ago
Magic 2013 iPad Review

I feel I would have to officially hand in my 'nerd card' if I ever lost the urge to want to play a casual game of Magic: The Gathering with my friends. Sure, some people are going to invest themselves more in the collectable card game than others, but all it takes is a pre-made deck and players looking to have fun and you'll find that the evening gleefully melts away. Duels of the Planeswalkers 2013 by Stainless Games is the first installment of Wizards of the Coast's popular CCG to m…

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Dominion HD iPad Review

Review EA Chillingo By Andrew Nesvadba, 14 years, 9 months ago
Dominion HD iPad Review

One of the iPad's greatest successes has been opening up the potential for table-top games to go digital, making it easy for multiple players to play on a tabletop or pass around. Dominion HD is Chillingo's latest iPad game and a direct adaption of the classic strategic board game Risk. All of the game's controls are menu driven and features a comprehensive tutorial not only to teach you the controls but also run you through your first match as you learn the game's rules. Dominion is…

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Babylonian Twins HD Premium iPad Review

Review BitHunch LLC By Andrew Nesvadba, 14 years, 9 months ago
Babylonian Twins HD Premium iPad Review

Almost everyone has a friend they know that owned an Amiga during the 90's and I just happened to be 'that guy' for all of my friends. I'd extoll the virtues of its amazing graphics and the unique games that blossomed from classic developers like Bullfrog, System 3 or Team 17, but they'd look at me funny and go back to their SNES or text-based adventure games on the PC. Babylonian Twins comes from three developers who started developing a game for the Amiga in the early 90's and after…

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Extreme Sheepdog Trials HD Edition iPad Review

Review Green Custard Ltd. By Andrew Nesvadba, 14 years, 9 months ago
Extreme Sheepdog Trials HD Edition iPad Review

Extreme Sheepdog Trials HD Edition is the iPad version of UK based developer Green Custard's take on shepherding for iDevices and 'extreme' couldn't be more appropriate as your sheepdog goes from paddock to spaceship in an effort to keep those sheep under control. There are three major control schemes available, with the drawing controls being the easiest to initially try out. Players can direct their dog with taps or drawing paths and herds can be followed by tapping on groups, while…

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