Home » Apps with tag 'addictive'

Crazy Taxi Review

Review SEGA By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years ago
Crazy Taxi Review

I feel like a powerful force is trying to show us, the lowly gamer, the stark difference between two driving-based games from 1999 and their subsequent re-release on the iOS platform. Where Re-Volt may be the subject of fond memories, its gameplay (though not its level design) was ultimately average. However, Crazy Taxi by SEGA remains just as balls-to-the-wall madcap as ever, placing you in control of an out-of-control taxi driver around a virtual homage of San Francisco. Whether you…

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Sugar Kid Review

Review Bulkypix By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years ago
Sugar Kid Review

Cute protagonist? Check. Three-star system to unlock content? Check. Physics-based gameplay system? Triple check. It’s almost a recipe for mundanity by now, but A Crowd of Monsters and Bulkypix have taken the best aspects of these games, paired it with perhaps the most disturbing penalty system I’ve seen in a while and packaged it with quickly unlocking content that scales to your skill level with uncanny precision. This is Sugar Kid, and I don’t think I’ll be…

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Earn to Die Review

Review Not Doppler By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 1 month ago
Earn to Die Review

Flightless birds and spaceward-bound rodents may make for cute and heartfelt inspirations for repeatedly launching them towards their ultimate goal, but there has always been an element missing from the experience - a sense of skill. Earn to Die by Toffee Games and Not Doppler fleshes out the short, but uniquely fun Flash game title, pitting you against the ever-ready threat of zombies, but for once your progress will also be bound to your skills as a driver. In games of this sort the…

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Rail Rush Review

Review Miniclip.com By Dave Flodine, 12 years, 1 month ago
Rail Rush Review

There's something inherently enjoyable about mine cart rides in videogames. From Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom to Donkey Kong Country, they remain a memorable part of those titles. Wait, did I say enjoyable? I must have meant hair-tearingly frustrating. Well luckily Rail Rush isn't that psychotic. I mean it eventually becomes that way the longer you play for, but being in the same vain as Temple Run, this sort of exponential difficulty is expected. The formula here is pretty st…

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Lili™ Review

Review BitMonster, Inc. By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 1 month ago
Lili™ Review

If you’re one of the handful of people who If you’re one of the handful of people who missed out on hearing about Lili by BitMonster, then you’re in for a treat. There was absolutely no question of how beautiful this game was going to be as it not only sports the Unreal Engine, but those who made it are ex-Epic and quite familiar with how to use it. However, what really counts isn’t the presentation, but how it interacts with the gameplay - and on this score the…

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Super Hexagon Review

Review Distractionware Limited By Dave Flodine, 12 years, 1 month ago
Super Hexagon Review

Sometimes the simplest titles can be the hardest to review. When there's depth, it can take a large paragraph or two to explain the mechanics at play, but on the opposite end, you may be clambering for anything to fill space. If it hasn't been given away yet, Super Hexagon by Terry Cavanagh of VVVVVV fame is a very simple game. One shouldn't take that as reason to overlook this title however, for we have a word for when simplicity meets quality, and that word is elegance. At the menu…

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Upon loading up Huebrix, I was instantly reminded of one of the great underrated puzzle games of the App Store, Pathpix. In both games you have to drag a color over a predetermined number of squares on a grid to fill in the entirety of the level. While in Pathpix, this presented you with a completed image and a clever quote, Huebrix rewards you by having your color trails turn into sentient worm creatures that slither off the screen, escaping your perception. Of course that's not the o…

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Little Masters Review

Review Riida.com By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 1 month ago
Little Masters Review

The freemium model has a tendency to get stuck in its tracks, spitting out titles with similar themes or at least based on similar genres. With this in mind it's no wonder gamers are clearly divided on whether they love or hate these sorts of titles. Little Masters takes a slightly different tack, modeling itself after NimbleBit's coin/bux driven system to speed up the Pokemon-inspired gameplay. 'Inspired' might be putting it lightly - those familiar with the classic monster-catching…

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The Golden Years: Way Out West Review

Review Alawar Entertainment, Inc By Dave Flodine, 12 years, 1 month ago
The Golden Years: Way Out West Review

Looking at the image of the Clint Eastwood-esque character with his bandanna, poncho, and cowboy hat on the app store, and seeing the game titled Way Out West, the last thing we were expecting was a resource management city building simulator. Told in flashback, this game is about building a town in the new frontier to harvest enough gold to pay off your husband's prison debt, with each level adding new elements to the gameplay, and having missions and time quotas to fill as well. It's…

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Super Mole Escape Review

Review [adult swim] By Dave Flodine, 12 years, 1 month ago
Super Mole Escape Review

One would think that if you were building a prison to house Moles, you would make certain that the floor was reinforced. Due to this oversight, we have Super Mole Escape, in which you take control of an incarcerated mole fleeing towards freedom, staying one step ahead of Johnny Law, and even worse, streams of molten lava. Along the way you collect gems (obviously to start your new life on the outside) and these ill gotten gains are used to upgrade your mole of choice (each with their o…

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Diskobolos Review

Review Conquering Bytes By Dave Flodine, 12 years, 2 months ago
Diskobolos Review

You know that famous Greek sculpture of the man hunched over, holding a discus? That's Discobolus. Go on, Google the name, you'll know it when you see it. So what does this game have to do with that statue? Well not much really, but you are shooting out digital discs at a series of encroaching insects for multipliers and high scores, and that's got to count for something right? Diskobolus is a lot of fun once you work out how it all comes together. You have a disc shooter at the botto…

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Puzzle Craft Review

Review EA Chillingo By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 2 months ago
Puzzle Craft Review

'Casual' match-three mechanics; timers that spit out the occasional bonus; resource management tied to tiers of resource management... surely this is a recipe for disaster? It's a mix we've seen slapped together in the 'freemium' model, but is it really such a bad thing at all? Ars Thanea Games and Chillingo prove that you can have your cake and eat it too, pairing all the addictive elements of a freemium title together with a well balanced and deep sense of progression that feels rewa…

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Shellrazer Review

Review Slick Entertainment Inc. By Dave Flodine, 12 years, 2 months ago
Shellrazer Review

Shellrazer is a classic tale. Boy turtle loves girl turtle. To get to girl turtle, boy turtle has to trek through goblin infested lands. To aid this endeavor, boy turtle is equipped with a gunner, and on his journey stacks on additional help providing offense, defense, and a multitude of upgrades. At least that's what we got out of the few comic book panels that led us into this game of wanton goblin massacre. The game begins with a machine gunner who has two control options, using ei…

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Button Brigade iPad Review

Review Axis Sivitz By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 2 months ago
Button Brigade iPad Review

In an action adventure game, coming across buttons to open up doorways and other passages to make your way around the stage is a regular occurrence. But what of these poor buttons? What do they think of their throw-away existence? Button Brigade answers that question, if only as a side note, thanks to a mechanical snake and a whole host of buttons that can manipulate the laboratory you're trapped in. By tapping on the screen you can achieve one of two things, either moving your 'snake…

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10000000 Review

Review EightyEight Games LTD By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 3 months ago
10000000 Review

What is it about the match-three concept that continues to be so addictive? For some it's the light puzzle aspect, for others its the way in which simple actions can result in a cascade of combos that feel like winning on a poker machine. It may seem strange to pair such gameplay with RPG mechanics, but it's an already long proven combination, thanks in-part to the way in which matching tiles manages to substitute for the monotonous grinding of turn-based battle. 10000000 by EightyEig…

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