Home » Apps with tag 'arcade game'

Time Ducks Review
There are two ways to approach a game like Time Ducks by Tough Guy Studios. One is to simply say "it's Frogger, combined with Flight Control after a heavy session of drinking in the Hot Tub Time Machine" and just leave it at that... I'll even pat you on the bottom as you scamper away to your room to enjoy it. The other is to put on a legitimate reviewers hat and wait for the inevitable gaming coma that comes when you finish a round, not quite knowing what happened, but knowing you did…
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Zen Pinball Review
I'm seriously having flashbacks here - as a child of the 80s and a self-admitted video game nerd, the local video arcades were a veritable haven for me. While pinball games were never my forte, there was a distinct magical allure that came from the newer generation of fancy and complex titles that tried to capture the essence of a franchise, typified by the introduction of Midway's classic Addams Family pinball table. These memories are distinct and powerful, which is why I was surpris…
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Slam Dunk King Review
As freemium games become more and more popular as a monetary system for apps, the focus of a review no longer rests on whether or not a game is worth a player's money, but more along the lines of is it fun enough to pay to unlock additional content, and are there others ways to progress in game. Slam Dunk King is a high score arcade game based on swiping controls. It's more than a little reminiscent of Fruit Ninja in how a simple idea can be both a joy to play and addictive. The game…
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Pixel Ranger Review
If there's one thing that the 1978 release of Space Invaders lacked it was the human connection. We never saw these invading aliens affecting the life of the average working joe, and that's where Pixel Ranger excels, in giving us the anguish of one lone ranger, as he loses his horse, his wife, and yes, even his sheep to the heartless menace of an alien invading force. Hyperbole aside, Pixel Ranger is a fun little arcade game in the same ballpark as Space Invaders. Alien ships hover ac…
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GoatUp Review
There exist in this world a whole host of games that you either 'get' or you 'don't. Often they border on artistic works, poking fun at or otherwise playing around with the conventions of gaming for its own agenda, but ultimately some sort of personal understanding or connection is needed to forgive the quirks these sorts of games create. In the grand scheme of Llamasoft's past work, GoatUp is perhaps the least challenging title to approach and that's saying a lot when you're playing…
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Race illegal: High Speed 3D Review
At times I wonder if the Arcade Racer has lost some of its charm, more specifically I wonder if the need to simplify the controls for iOS users has resulted in a genre that has managed to mute an already toned-down sport too far. Race illegal: High Speed 3D by Apetrus and Chillingo tries every trick in the book to wow the player in to continuing to play, but the end result is something that lacks the energy it tries to portray. Sparks, blurs, revving engines, flames and whining turbos…
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Frogger Decades Review
Updates of a classic arcade game can be a tricky balancing act. You're trying to entice fans of the original so the gameplay needs to be very similar, yet to bring in new fans, it has to be different enough to warrant a look. Frogger Decades comes very close to this balance but ultimately falls a bit short. The game is based around the jumping mechanic which is handled by swiping on the right side of the screen. Want to jump in a certain direction, just swipe there and Frogger will ho…
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(The App Store is currently not allowing downloads of this App - a video will be made as soon as it's available again.) The original Rally-X was an interesting concept. Let a rally car loose in a maze, where it has to collect all the flags to proceed, while avoiding the evil rally cars chasing it. Now seeming that Namco Bandai are remaking all their arcade classics for the iPhone platform, we have Rally-X Rumble. It's the same game under some new graphical flair, with an emphasis on a…
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Forget-Me-Not Review
Some may remember Nyarlu Labs for their somewhat bizarre, but incredibly fun and unique title Magnetic Shaving Derby. I'll give you a moment to let all of the memories to flood back as you remember a disheveled pixel-art face and other various random objects. All good? Forget-Me-Not is the latest from the developer and while the game may look a lot less bizarre, the combination of Pac Man and Rogue-like elements makes for an experience that's hard to put down. Players must control the…
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2Bit Review
Arcade games aren't exactly difficult to find on the App Store and at times it can be hard to stay excited as you jump from one title to the next due to their generally repetitive nature. Ironically, abstract titles that strip gameplay elements to the absolute minimum can be insanely addictive and the rise of genres like the endless jumper/runner are a testament to their elegance. 2Bit by Industrial Brothers isn't so much an endless title or a platformer or a shooter, but an abstract…
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Bomberman Dojo Review
Although many Bomberman games by Hudson have a strong single-player focus, the multiplayer aspect has always felt like its true strength. Strangely, Bomberman Dojo is a purely single-player experience, though instead of simply playing against AI opponents or basic monsters you'll be pitting your skills against 50 puzzling stages in order to prove you're the best Bomberman around. For those not yet initiated, Bomberman pits you against enemies placed in a maze-like screen that's litter…
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Road Blaster Review
It's never too long before the 'interactive movie' genre of games get a chance to shine again on newer media devices and after the previous porting of Cobra Command, developer Revolutionary Concepts has moved on to another Arcade title by Data East - Road Blaster. In what essentially amounts to a plot based around revenge, you'll take control of a lean-mean fighting machine as you attempt to take down the biker gang that killed your wife. Much like any interactive movie, the controls…
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Kosmo Spin Review
By now veteran iDevice gamers have come to expect the odd arcade title (or three or four or a dozen) that offers little more than a simple gameplay concept to tide them over during spare moments of the day. This isn't exactly a bad thing given that you're playing on a mobile device, but even when you're only eating snacks it's easy to fill yourself up. Kosmo Spin by Simogo Handelsbolag fits in to the snack-sized arcade category, though its immensely charming style and challenge based q…
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Astronut Review
Endless jumpers in one variety or another are a common occurrence on the App Store, though now and then a lesser used variation based on rotating platforms pops up in games like Jump o'Clock and Oddy Smog. Astronut by The Iconfactory puts its own spin ('ha ha') on this variation in more ways than one and players will need to explore the cosmos with their character while avoiding dangerous planets and alien creatures out to stop you. The basic gameplay consists of moving between planet…
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Wispin Review
Wispin by Grumpyface Studios could almost be considered prototypical as far as arcade games go for the iPhone and while there are some minor details to be buffed out, it provides a handy benchmark for games yet to be released. 'But,' I hear you cry, 'WHAT is Wispin?'. Wispin is a cute bird-like creature that has to deal with multi-chromatic blobs, however the only way to defeat them is to match their color before running in to them. Players can control their character either via tilt…
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