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One to watch - Covens is coming to iPhone and iPad this week

Feature By Harry Slater, 5 years, 11 months ago
One to watch - Covens is coming to iPhone and iPad this week

It can sometimes feel like all the AR-enabled, location-based games on the App Store are aiming for the same audience. Not so with Covens, which is set to come out worldwide this Thursday, March 20th. And it's fair to say that we're excited to see how this one plays out. As you might be able to tell from the name, this is a game about witches. You build a character, learn some spells, and then head out into the world (literally) to try and show all the other players that your coven isn't to be messed with. There looks to be more action here than in the likes of Pokemon GO, and while it might struggle without a massive license backing it up, the slightly grittier art-style paired with the m…

One to watch - Sprout: Idle Garden is coming to iPhone and iPad this week

Feature By Harry Slater, 5 years, 11 months ago
One to watch - Sprout: Idle Garden is coming to iPhone and iPad this week

It's not often we get excited about idle games here at AppSpy - to be honest, they're not the sort of games that are designed for anyone to get excited about, that'd sort of defeat the object of being idle. But Sprout: Idle Garden has definitely caught our attention. One of the reasons for that is how lovely it looks. It's all pastel hues and nice, kind things. It's like a warm mug of cocoa and a hug from a loved one you thought you might never see again. And there are loads of flowers too - who doesn't love flowers!?! The game sees you building your own garden paradise. You plant the flowers, you manipulate the land - this is your space, and you can tend to it as often or as rarely as you…

One to watch - Frag: Pro Shooter is coming to iPhone and iPad this week

Feature By Harry Slater, 5 years, 11 months ago
One to watch - Frag: Pro Shooter is coming to iPhone and iPad this week

Whether you like it or not, the midcore revolution is gaining pace, finding new genres and styles of play to make more accessible for players who might not have the grounding in the mechanics of gaming that more seasoned button bashers might. And Frag definitely fits into that category. The game is shaping up to be a midcore take on Overwatch. You've got a team of characters, three objectives to shoot up, and a team of foes that are trying to stop you. There are plenty of twists thrown in though, and they make sure that things stay interesting. For one thing you don't have any team mates. The other characters are controlled by the AI until you die, at which point you can choose which of th…

One to watch - 3eality is coming to iPhone and iPad this week

Feature By Harry Slater, 5 years, 11 months ago
One to watch - 3eality is coming to iPhone and iPad this week

It's not often that an endless runner comes out that we're actually interested in. It's not because we don't like the genre - it's because it's so rare that a runner comes out that does things differently. Luckily though this week is going to buck that trend, because 3eality is set to land on the App Store. What's so special about this one? Well for one thing, you're not controlling one character, you're controlling three - and they're all running on slightly different tracks. You need to keep an eye on all three and react accordingly when an obstacle pops up in one of them. We reckon it's gonna be much easier said than done though. There are some other clever ideas here too, like a charge…

One to watch - Immortal Rogue is coming out for iPhone and iPad this week

Feature By Harry Slater, 5 years, 12 months ago
One to watch - Immortal Rogue is coming out for iPhone and iPad this week

Finding a roguelike that does things even slightly differently these days is a nice surprise. Especially if you find one that works brilliantly on mobile, and just wouldn't have the same snap and pop if it was on any other platform. Which is why we're super excited that Immortal Rogue is coming out this week for iPhone and iPad. The game is controlled with swipes and presses, and sees you controlling a vampire. While you can die, you'll resurrect eventually, hence where the roguelike concepts come in. You'll lose some of the upgrades you've unlocked, but any you pay for in blood (ooooh spooky), you'll keep. This is definitely an action-oriented experience. The violence is slick and crisp,…

One to watch - Spirit Roots is coming to iOS next week

Feature By Harry Slater, 6 years ago
One to watch - Spirit Roots is coming to iOS next week

When Friday rolls around we like to stop thinking about the past and start looking to the future. No, we're not talking about all the lovely things we're going to do over the weekend (and trust us, they're going to be lovely), we're talking about the games you're going to be playing next week. Or more specifically, our pick of the best of them. This week we've chosen Spirit Roots. It's an action platformer that looks like it's going to blend together two of our favourite things - the past and the present. There's a retro vibe to the game, but it's counterpointed by some smart mobile ideas that make the game feel fresher than it has any right to be. For one thing it looks lovely, and for…

One to watch - Alien: Blackout is coming out for iPhone and iPad next week

Feature By Harry Slater, 6 years ago
One to watch - Alien: Blackout is coming out for iPhone and iPad next week

Next week we're going to see one of the biggest mobile games of the year coming out for iPhone and iPad. If you've not heard about it, Alien: Blackout is a sort-of-sequel to the console and PC horror survival game Alien: Isolation. It sees you reprising the role of Ripley's daughter, who's trying yet again to survive the unwanted attentions of an alien killing machine. The game is premium, and it's split up into seven different chapters. It's made by D3 GO!, a developer that's also worked on the Puzzle Quest series of games. Blackout looks like it's going to be a strategic take on the Five Nights at Freddy's template, with you controlling doors and security cameras to keep a rescue crew saf…

One to watch - Galaxy Stack is out for iPhone and iPad next week

Feature By Harry Slater, 6 years, 1 month ago
One to watch - Galaxy Stack is out for iPhone and iPad next week

There aren't that many publishers working in the mobile gaming industry that we respect more than Crescent Moon Games. Here's a studio working with some of the most interesting talent going, that's always releasing really good new games. And next week could see another one of those, with the release of Galaxy Stack. It's a game that mixes together two of the most popular genres on the App Store - the shooter, and the stacker. You're not just blasting alien invaders out of the sky in order to win, you need to make giant piles of their corpses too - just in case they weren't clear after you'd shot them down who was in charge around here. Intriguingly this one is a premium game - it's going…

One to watch - Lyrical Letters is out next week for iPhone and iPad

Feature By Harry Slater, 6 years, 1 month ago
One to watch - Lyrical Letters is out next week for iPhone and iPad

Let's take a moment and look to the future. Not too far into the future, obviously, we're not magicians - but into next week. In fact, let's take a look at what we think is the best game that's coming to the App Store in the next seven days. What game is that? Well we've had a good long think and scratched our beards and we think you should be getting excited about Lyrical Letters, a puzzler that sees you tickling the ivories to your heart's content. But it's not just about music, it's about words too. You play songs, find letters, and then use those letters to make - you guessed it - words. There are a number of different sounds you can get out of your little digital piano, and on top of…