Home » Apps with tag 'achievements'

Major Warhead Review

Review Drillbit Studios, LLC By Damian Chiappara, 15 years, 2 months ago
Major Warhead Review

Major Warhead is a top down defence shooter where players must defend their desert base against attacking troopers. At their disposal is an Apache attack chopper and two large gun turrets. Players must use all three effectively and survive the incoming 100 waves of enemy troops and vehicles. Players control the Apache by dragging it around the battlefield and it will automatically fire on units in its range. The turrets however, require you to tap on an area on the screen you wish to…

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Super Shock Football Review

Review EA Chillingo By Damian Chiappara, 15 years, 2 months ago
Super Shock Football Review

Super Shock Football is a throwback to the old electric football machines that had tiny players moving around a vibrating football field. Players must strategize and use different plays, set up team positions and hope that they manage to get a touchdown as all player movement is randomised to mimic the old vibrating game machines. Players are limited in regards to the amount of control they have over their team but as mentioned, plays and tactics can be selected and team members can b…

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Castle Frenzy Review

Review Gameloft By Andrew Nesvadba, 15 years, 2 months ago
Castle Frenzy Review

Castle Frenzy by Gameloft combines some of the best features of the castle defense genre (while borrowing heavily from rival developer Chillingo) and brings the game to the third dimension. If you've played Knights Onrush before you'll feel more than a sense of déjà vu, but the gameplay is still a blast to enjoy as you deal with new enemies and master new attack techniques. This is a touch and flick type of defense game and enemy selection is surprisingly accurate, which…

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Bailout Wars Review

Review Gameloft By Damian Chiappara, 15 years, 2 months ago
Bailout Wars Review

Bailout Wars is the topical castle defence game from developer Gameloft, this time mimicking gameplay from Knights Onrush. Players must guard the American tax-payers sitting in the White House from the thieving and greedy bankers, by launching them in the air or buying upgrades to take them out. Players fend off the bankers by tapping on them or flicking them up into the air. After a few rounds, you’ll need to use different strategies to eliminate the stronger bankers, like drag…

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2XL Fleet Defense Review

Review 2XL Games, Inc. By Damian Chiappara, 15 years, 2 months ago
2XL Fleet Defense Review

2XL Fleet Defense puts you in the middle of an international crisis fuelled by illegal weapons trading as you must protect a large allied aircraft carrier from incoming enemy attacks. Fortunately your impressive F-35 jet fighter plane will make short work of the enemy ships and planes; that is of course if you can pilot it effectively. You’ll need to identify and find targets using your long range radar by tapping on the radar icon. Once you find an enemy vehicle, tap on the red…

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iTotem Idol Review

Review Alan Liu By Damian Chiappara, 15 years, 4 months ago
iTotem Idol Review

iTotem Idol is a physics based puzzle game where players must remove blocks from a small structure or tower without knocking off the small man on top. Your goal is to remove the specified amount of yellow blocks and as fast as you can without allowing your man to fall. Players must tap on the yellow blocks to remove them from the game. It is up to you to make sure that you calculate your block removal, as structures that become unbalanced will topple. But don’t rely on the game…

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Wriggle Review

Review Conlan Rios By Andrew Nesvadba, 15 years, 4 months ago
Wriggle Review

They're ugly, they're slimy, they're multi-colored, but the worms in Wriggle by Conlan Rios need to be set free! Wriggle is a slick puzzle game that will challenge your ability to think around corners (literally) while remaining friendly enough for new-comers to stumble their way through. The worms of Wriggle are moved by dragging their heads or tails through the available spaces, hopefully dragging the correct worm to the exit. This is easier said than done as each level is a maze of…

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Texas Tea Review

Review SnakeHead Software, LLC By Damian Chiappara, 15 years, 4 months ago
Texas Tea Review

Texas Tea is an eclectic mix of puzzle games such as Bejeweled, Yahtzee and Poker all mixed into one. The game borrows elements of all these games and has created its own unique puzzle gameplay experience. Players will have to match dice combinations on the game board to turn the game tiles behind them to black oil. Players control their dice removal by swiping two or more matching boxes together for a combo. The dice combos are taken from poker, as players can line up pairs, straight…

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Hi, How Are You: 40 Awesomely Totally Ridiculous and Very, Very Cool Levels of Bizarrely, Bizarre Fun! Review

Review GameClub By Damian Chiappara, 15 years, 4 months ago
Hi, How Are You: 40 Awesomely Totally Ridiculous and Very, Very Cool Levels of Bizarrely, Bizarre Fun! Review

If you are a fan of quirky games with a lot of style then get ready for Hi, How Are You. Players must play as a small frog like creature as you try to rescue your true love after she was kidnapped by the devil. You must progress through a series of levels by hopping on each of the green tiles to turn them into a solid colour. You must navigate each map and avoid any dangers as fast as you can to earn different trophies and move on to the next stage. Players use the iPhone's tilting ca…

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Scarecrow Review

Review Ezone.com By Damian Chiappara, 15 years, 5 months ago
Scarecrow Review

In the tradition of other high flying games like Sheep Launcher and Doodle Jump, Scarecrow offers players the chance to launch a small rag doll character high into the atmosphere in order to get the highest score possible. Players must launch their scarecrow while collecting corn to blast themselves further upwards and avoiding other obstacles and enemies in order to keep flying. Once your scarecrow is in the air, you will have to collect corn by directing him using the iPhones tilt c…

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Champion Archer Review

Review Pocket Monkey Games By Damian Chiappara, 15 years, 5 months ago
Champion Archer Review

Champion Archer is an action game where you must defend your castle from attacking orcs and other evil creatures. You control an archer on the battlefield and must provide ranged assistance to the allied troops that are marching to defend the castle. Your goal is to survive as long as possible, purchasing upgrades and not allowing any enemies to reach the castle. You control your archer’s shots by tapping and holding the screen to charge up the shot power and releasing to fire.…

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iBlast Moki Review

Review Godzilab By Damian Chiappara, 15 years, 5 months ago
iBlast Moki Review

iBlast Moki is a physics based puzzle game for the iPhone. It seems like all the little Moki’s are lost and need you to help them get home. And the only way to do that is to use bombs to blast them into small wormholes. You must blast them over obstacles and into the wormholes as fast as you can for a better score. You control bomb placement by dragging a bomb from the right hand panel next to a Moki. From here you can see the path that your Moki will take according to the place…

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Blades of Fury Review

Review Gameloft By Damian Chiappara, 15 years, 5 months ago
Blades of Fury Review

Blades of Fury is a fast paced 3D fighting game for the iPhone. Players choose a character and square off against a variety of deadly opponents in different areas. As with all fighting games, you must defeat your opponents using different attack combinations to see who the stronger fighter is. You can control your fighter by way of two control schemes. One uses a button interface to attack and block, while the other uses a touch sensitive scheme where players flick the screen to attac…

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Sir Revs-a-Lot Full Review

Review Smallrock Software, Inc. By Andrew Nesvadba, 15 years, 5 months ago
Sir Revs-a-Lot Full Review

Addictive mini-games should almost be a genre to themselves and Sir Revs-a-Lot by Smallrock Software qualifies. What may have started out as a small and fun little gaming experiment can quickly become a full-fledged bite-sized game that is without a doubt strangely appealing in its minimalism. Your miniature car is controlled on its impossible mystery tour through two possible methods. The default option allows you to touch the edges of the screen to move back and forth and a tilt opt…

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AstroBlast Review

Review Clockrocket Games By Damian Chiappara, 15 years, 6 months ago
AstroBlast Review

AstroBlast is a 3D space shooter, where players must take control of a small ship, blasting incoming asteroids to survive as long as possible. Players are given three lives and after a short while, the asteroids and other obstacles, such as UFOs, will become more apparent and frequent. Aside from tapping the screen to shoot, players must drag a line for their ship to follow to move around; which you will need to do in order to collect ammo and dodge any incoming asteroids. The control…

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