Home » Apps with tag 'achievements'

Badland update brings four player co-op to Day 1 campaign

News By Alex Beech, 10 years, 9 months ago
Badland update brings four player co-op to Day 1 campaign

Frogmind’s latest update to its wonderfully floaty side-scroller Badland has added four player co-op The multiplayer levels are all modified versions of the game’s original Day 1 levels. These 40 stages have been tweaked for co-op play, and feature 120 new missions, plus seven new achievements, to test your group's skill. While the update will let you and your chums control your flying furballs using a corner of your iPad's touch screen, it also supports MFi controllers. If you have the controllers on hand, this allows you to all get a good view of the action without your friends' thumbs getting in the way. Playing through Badland with four other players will likely cha…

Heads Up! Hot Dogs Review

Review [adult swim] By Dave Flodine, 12 years, 3 months ago
Heads Up! Hot Dogs Review

So what if I told you that on the App Store there was a game, that you can play on your Apple phone or tablet device that consisted of balancing hot dogs onto the heads of complete strangers out in the street? No, your ears did not deceive you, nor did your heart, for what I speak of is true! Heads Up! Hot Dogs is the one and only hot dog balancing arcade experience possibly in the whole of video game existence, and with such a concept, is it any surprise to hear that the publishers at…

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True Skate Review

Review True Axis By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 4 months ago
True Skate Review

Tony Hawk Pro Skating allowed me to vicariously live out my enjoyment of skateboarding without the need to go outside and get hot and sweaty during the Summer months. However, Tony Hawk and its ilk had no problem with throwing reality out the window. This may make for a good game, but there's nothing wrong with wanting to flex your skills by trying your hand at something challenging; something realistic. True Skate by True Axis adds itself to the relatively short list of games that se…

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Earn to Die Review

Review Not Doppler By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 5 months ago
Earn to Die Review

Flightless birds and spaceward-bound rodents may make for cute and heartfelt inspirations for repeatedly launching them towards their ultimate goal, but there has always been an element missing from the experience - a sense of skill. Earn to Die by Toffee Games and Not Doppler fleshes out the short, but uniquely fun Flash game title, pitting you against the ever-ready threat of zombies, but for once your progress will also be bound to your skills as a driver. In games of this sort the…

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Rail Rush Review

Review Miniclip.com By Dave Flodine, 12 years, 5 months ago
Rail Rush Review

There's something inherently enjoyable about mine cart rides in videogames. From Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom to Donkey Kong Country, they remain a memorable part of those titles. Wait, did I say enjoyable? I must have meant hair-tearingly frustrating. Well luckily Rail Rush isn't that psychotic. I mean it eventually becomes that way the longer you play for, but being in the same vain as Temple Run, this sort of exponential difficulty is expected. The formula here is pretty st…

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Blood Roofs Review

Review Gamesmold By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 5 months ago
Blood Roofs Review

You're beset by hordes of giant demonic monsters and you find a damsel in distress (albeit managing to survive without much trouble): What do you do? You rescue her, of course, and see how far you can run before the nightmares catch up to you. This is Blood Roofs. Much like other auto-runners of late, you'll find yourself diving in to the screen instead of going from side-to-side. The platforming element of the genre classics is retained as you jump between rooftop to rooftop, but in…

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Infinite Warrior Review

Review Empty Flask Games LLC By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 5 months ago
Infinite Warrior Review

'Endless' auto-runners are once again in their heyday on the App Store, but those paying attention won't have missed the distinct swerve towards Infinity Blade's swipe'em-up combat. Infinite Warrior by Empty Flask Games takes a bite of inspiration from both, mixed with a dash of rhythm gameplay, to create something that sounds potentially exciting, but in practice falls flat. You, as the eponymous Infinite Warrior, find yourself swiping the screen to match on-screen cues in order to u…

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Mikey Shorts Review

Review BeaverTap Games, LLC By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 6 months ago
Mikey Shorts Review

I almost feel sick of needing to make the point so often, but if you're going to make a platformer, you need to make the core gameplay (that is to say, running and jumping) feel good. In some cases it's a matter of responsiveness from the controls, and in others its anything from the physics to the character animations, but in Mikey Shorts by BeaverTap, none of these things are a problem. In fact you'd be forgiven for thinking someone from Rocketcat Games ran away with someone from Ra…

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Lost Cities Review

Review TheCodingMonkeys By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 6 months ago
Lost Cities Review

Reiner Knizia is no small fish in the world of board games. Titles such as the Lord of the Rings and Ingenious are enjoyed world wide, while Lost Cities, a 2-player 60-card game has even proven to be popular enough to warrant an XBLA remake. Having previously converted Carcassonne to the iOS platform, The Coding Monkeys have taken it upon themselves to restore Lost Cities to its original design, bolstering it with individually scaling AI opponents and multiple asynchronous online games…

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Random Heroes Review

Review Ravenous Games Inc. By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 6 months ago
Random Heroes Review

[This mini-review is featured on the Friday News Wrap-Up for the 17th of August, 2012] After the wild success of League of Evil it's no surprise to see Ravenous Games attempting to recapture that perfect balance of gaming joy once again. Pairing up with Woblyware for another Flash-to-iOS release, Random Heroes may be a platformer, but it's less of a game about high scores and more akin to the old-skool games we saw pumped out by studios during the 80s and 90s. As the name suggests pl…

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Mad Skills BMX Review

Review Turborilla By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 6 months ago
Mad Skills BMX Review

One of the biggest hurdle to overcome when trying to create a competitive title such as Mad Skills BMX is in being able to make it approachable for casual players while still catering to the hardcore crowd. Turborilla's solution was an elegant one - focus on the flow of the controls and the feel of smoothly sailing through the air to nail that perfect landing, and newcomers or veterans alike will be hooked. Virtual controls are history in Mad Skill BMX and players can choose to either…

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PITFALL!™ Review

PITFALL!™ Review

For something like a 30th Anniversary you'd think Pitfall would be given a much larger 'hurrah' - the game has gone through differing types of 'remakes' over the years, but now the game has been reduce to an auto-runner. Don't get me wrong, it's a perfect match and ultimately works in Pitfall's favor, but with so many competitors it ran the risk of slipping under the radar. I guess that's the power of a name like Pitfall for a company like Activision - you just can't help but bring at…

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Agent Dash Review

Review Full Fat Productions Ltd By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 6 months ago
Agent Dash Review

Full Fat's repertoire of games is full of rebuilt concepts; while we may have seen and loved the archetypes they take their inspiration from, the new spin or polished design makes it worth playing. Agent Dash is no different, taking cues from the long-popular Temple Run series, just don't expect each run to be an epic dash - an agent's job isn't easy and neither is this game. You can expect to be caught out and remain almost unaware of what happened thanks to two features of the game…

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