Home » Apps with tag 'challenge'
Sponsored Feature - Cohort Games on Cirkits: Toy Robot Racing
Robots are, arguably, the best toys. A good chunky robo-figurine just can't be beaten. Only, perhaps, by cars. They look cool, can do jumps, and loop the loops. And stuff. Cars are pretty great. Well, if you asked Darran Thomas, CEO of Cohort Games, to pick a winner between robots and cars, he'd probably say both are best. And that’s not cheating. Why? Well, because as the creative director of Cirkits: Toy Robot Racing, he has overseen an almighty mash-up of the two. Darran calls it a "Combat Racer". “If I have to put a label on it, I see it as a fusion between a racing gaming and a free runner. But it draws in influences from lots of genres. At first glance, it can look like…
Sponsored Feature: Tyjamaxy Empire on Lava Samurai for iPhone
Haven’t you always wanted to open up a lava lamp and reach inside to touch one of those incandescent shimmering blobs? Well, though Tyjamaxy Empire's Lava Samurai can’t quite provide you with that experience (and I do NOT recommend it trying at home), this game does enable to you to slice and dice as many lava lamps as you ruddy well like. Seems like a fair compromise. We spoke to Karen Scarff, MD at Tyjamaxy Empire, about Lava Samurai, including its suitability for touchscreen devices like the iPhone. “Lava Samurai is a lava lamp-slashing game where you use your fingers to cut up as many lava lamps as possible, while avoiding the dreaded light bulbs. There are three…
Sponsored Feature: Like A Crocodile Games Studio on Tapforss for iPhone and iPad
The App Store has given rise to a whole new generation of indie developers. But, with the increasing popularity of indie games, it has become unclear as to what the term ‘indie’ actually means. We spoke to Janos Filip, the founder of Like A Crocodile Games Studio, who claims to have created “A True Indie Title” called Tapforss. Filip explains the premise of this game in simple terms... In Tapforss, you control “a curious-looking crystal sphere, which you must navigate through mysterious caverns overcoming obstacles along the way". “It is a challenge of both your precision and wit, as many of the tasks need thought as well as action," Filip adds. "Th…

There's one thing that has held back previous releases of the METAL SLUG franchise on the iOS platform, and that one thing is simply its 'controls'. The games are, without question, just as amazing as they were in the arcades and the perfect fodder for gamers after a hardcore side-scrolling shooter, but games like this live and die by their controls and sadly SNK PLAYMORE has missed an opportunity to come up with a novel solution. If you've never played METAL SLUG, I thoroughly recomm…
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Middle Manager of Justice Review
When someone says their game is for free, there's always going to be a catch - either it's merely a demo for something larger, or there are multiple strings attached in an effort to guide you towards their In-App Purchase store. While the former is something we're used to, the latter is still a sore point for many gamers as developers often strip back their game, holding back gameplay behind artificial walls (often through extended waiting periods). Middle Manager of Justice by Double…
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Herd Herd Herd™ Deluxe Review
Herd Herd Herd Deluxe is one of those games that aims to bridge the gap between young gamers and adults alike thanks to its smooth difficulty curve that plateaus at a high level. No punches are pulled, so you'll need to get your tap and drag on to help save the somewhat docile farm animals in your care. As mentioned, things ramp up quite slowly, and indeed it may feel like the game never really takes off as it drills new skills in to you with each stage, only to provide one or two gen…
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Sphoxie Review
While the iPhone has created a resurgence of 2D platforming titles, the 3D platformer has been kind of neglected. Perhaps it's because the added challenge of creating a camera and a three dimensional space worth exploring is a daunting task, but regardless, it makes it so that when a 3D platformer is released, it's almost a novelty. Sphoxie is such a platformer. You play the titular named character who is a sort of blue sphere who gets sucked into a portal and trapped in a hostile worl…
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Freeze! Review
There haven't been too many, but there's something enjoyable about games that stick you in small curved level, and ask you to use the iPhone's tilt controls and the power of physics to get the character you control to safety. Freeze is the latest of these, and it comes to us wrapped in a 50s monster movie shell. It certainly adds an amount of mood and character to the game, but the big question is of course, how does it play? The answer to that questions is. “adequately”.…
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The Bowling Dead Review
[This title is featured as the Mini-Review for the Friday News Wrap-Up for the 30th of November, 2012] It's a thin premise, but The Bowling Dead by Slant Six Games and Activision places you in the unusual position of a zombie apocalypse survivor who discovers a bowling ball that seems to be the only thing that can stop them. Obviously the first part isn't new, but the second part results in a strangely addictive title. It's a sort of mash up between Full Fat's Zombie Flick and a basi…
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Angry Birds Star Wars Review
I rarely say this, but every now and then a developer actually 'gets it'. 'Gets what' you say? They get tie-in products, which is all the more strange for Angry Birds Star Wars not only being a mash-up of two very popular franchises, but the game isn't even new - it's an add on. Yet still, here I sit playing the game, gaze firmly fixed on my targets as I attempt to solve yet another tricky puzzle.Over the years this sort of puzzle design is what Angry Birds has come to specialize in an…
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Beatdown! Review
As a studio Ravenous Games seems to hold to the 'less is more' philosophy when it comes to their games. At times this can work against a title, but in the case of the white-knuckle brawler Beatdown! the stripped-back style keeps the action flowing and before you know it you've finished the bite-sized game with a sigh of relief. Taking its cues from games of old such as River City Ransom, Double Dragon, and yes the ever-loved Streets of Rage, your task is one of dishing out pain wrappe…
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Sleepwalker's Journey Review
Puzzle platformers can be tricky beasts - so many fall in to the trap of designing stages that progress in challenge too slowly or worse still, spike in difficulty, causing you to throw down your iDevice in frustration. Sleepwalker's Journey by 11 bit studios ramps up its challenge quite quickly, but it's such a smooth ride up that you'll be flicking, swiping and tapping furiously before you know it. Poor Moonboy has a bit of a problem - he's at risk of being woken up, and you have no…
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Meganoid 2 Review
Much like the original Meganoid, its sequel keeps things fast, furious and simple. Did I say simple? What I meant to say is 'it's brutal', but you'll not be able to blame the game (at least not directly) for any mistakes you make as the controls are dead easy to learn (left, right, jump, and double jump). Orange Pixel have nailed their virtual controls, which is an absolute godsend. The reason it's so helpful is because everything else about the game is entirely unforgiving. Stages a…
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Super Tiny Leap Review
One thing that's been great about the success of the App Store has been all the simple yet addictive high score arcade titles that developers have been experimenting with. For a gamer in his 30s like myself, it reflects a simpler time when these games ruled the arcades, and had players vying for position on those hallowed leaderboards. Super Tiny Leap takes this idea, an old school aesthetic, and turns it towards the vertical climbing genre that Doodle Jump popularized all those years…
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Heads Up! Hot Dogs Review
So what if I told you that on the App Store there was a game, that you can play on your Apple phone or tablet device that consisted of balancing hot dogs onto the heads of complete strangers out in the street? No, your ears did not deceive you, nor did your heart, for what I speak of is true! Heads Up! Hot Dogs is the one and only hot dog balancing arcade experience possibly in the whole of video game existence, and with such a concept, is it any surprise to hear that the publishers at…
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